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Re: New home for list needed-a Case Against Yahoo

By sheer coincidence, there is a interview in El Pais (Spanish newspaper, only in Spanish) today with Nicole Wong, vicepresident of the legal services of Google (http://www.elpais.com/articulo/tecnologia/alguien/gusto/Google/puede/llevarse/datos/elpeputec/20091113elpeputec_1/Tes ) and the matter of data ownership is mentioned. In case some of you cannot read it, she mentions a new site "Data Liberation Front" (http://www.dataliberation.org/ ) that Google just created to explain and facilitate data export and import from their products. This site is in English :-)
I just saw this, haven't studied it, so I don't know what the implications are, but I'm posting the info in case some of you find it useful, not necessarily for the alt-photo list.