U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | Re: list home decisions

Re: list home decisions

sorry, my typing errors went through the roof in the last mail.
i didn't mean a general member/ entrance fee to join the list - i think a fee for reading the list up front would be too much an obstruction for new members to join. i don't think i would have paid it when i first joined the list, without knowing about its massive content. neither did i mean a subscriber gallery like apug.

i thought about real life prints sent around by snail mail. this of course bears some risk (prints getting lost or damaged, someone disappearing with them....), but it also seems very informative, inspiring and can have huge learning possibilities. especially for people who live in alt. process free areas.
everyone interested signs up and pays the entrance fee (the donation to finance the list), maybe $20 or so, then sends a print to the person who manages the portfolio. when all prints arrived, the portfolio manager sends out all of them to the first participant, who keeps them for a week or so to look at them and study them and then sends it on to the next participant.
what happens to the prints afterwards would have to be decided. and everyone has to pay for the postage too, otherwise not enough money would be left for the list.
if enough people were up for it, it could be a nice way to finance the future of the list.


Gordon J. Holtslander schrieb:
I would never impose a fee for joining the list or accessing its archive etc...

I would like something like public tv - anyone can access it - some viewers pay for out of their own free will.

Keith Gerling wrote:
I think a move in this direction would guarantee that a Google/Yahoo group would draw the majority of the listmembers. I've always thought that one of the nice things about the list, is that a lurkers are allowed, and newbies can easily drop in for free info.

On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 12:01 PM, phritz phantom <phritz-phantom@web.de <mailto:phritz-phantom@web.de>> wrote:

hi gordon,
that's exactly what i proposed. so i'm definitely all for it.
maybe there could be some kind of "travelling portfolio" wtih an
entrance fee. for the entrance fee? for example, one pays the fee,
ome can enter a print (preferably with some written info) into the
portfolio, which then gets sent to each participating member who can
keep and study it for a week or so, before sending it to the next
this could be a nice way to raise some money for the xervers, as
well as interesting and a good lerning experience.

i hope you set up a paypal for donations. would be the easiest way
for us euros.