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Re: Disappearing Photography Resources we can help

On Nov 22, 2009, at 9:58 PM, Judy Seigel wrote:

By interesting coincidence I was talking to Midmarch Arts publisher this afternoon & she told me something I found hard to believe... But she's been doing small press for 40 years & does know a thing or two:

It's her understanding that Books on Demand has a new system that can copy an EXISTING book for about $6 for 100 pages (or something like that). I frankly found that hard to believe, since, when I published "Read My T-shirt..." etc. Books on Demand was, at least for my purposes, useless.

In any event, would mean that a book already in print could be replicated quite cheaply. (And damn, if it isn't true, odds are it will be any minute.)

As for color illustrations... Leave the page blank, or with just a caption, then any good copy shop will run off however many you want by laser printer (I don't remember the price but it was modest); you tip them in with glue stick-- and they look great. Much richer (IMO) than color offset. Of course if you're selling hundreds at a time, you need to draft your mother, father & significant others for the task (but of course if you're selling that many, odds are DumbXXXX press will keep you in print).
