[alt-photo] Re: Quadtone Rip printing problem

Kees Brandenburg workshops at polychrome.nl
Thu Aug 12 10:50:51 GMT 2010

> I have re-installed the newest version of QTR as well as the newest driver for my 3800. I am running CS4 (which I installed a few months back but I have used with QTR).
> In System Preferences: under Print and Fax, the Quad3800 appears in the printer list on the left; however, the 'Location' shows 'USB Printer' and the 'Kind' is blank.

Hi David,

This is not good. After 'Kind' it should mention: QuadToneRIP 2.7 Epson 3800
Maybe you can correct this by going to 'options & supplies' en select this driver from the pulldown menu.

Did you simply upgrade QTR or did you uninstall it first? On the QTR site you find the uninstaller: http://www.quadtonerip.com/html/QTRdownload.html
Uninstall, then turn your printer on, and reinstall QTR 2.7

You can get more help on the QTR yahoo list at:  http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/QuadtoneRIP/messages

If nothing helps you can try Print Therapy, an application that can solve most printing problems. On leopard you need this version: http://www.fixamacsoftware.com/software/pt6/index.php

I hope this helps!


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