[alt-photo] Re: Paper Negatives

Diana Bloomfield dhbloomfield at bellsouth.net
Mon Feb 8 23:42:48 GMT 2010

I also assume that, just like paper negatives (unwaxed), often used  
with pinhole cameras, for instance-- they give a much softer,  
dreamier-- often more "other-worldly"--  positive image than does film  
or a digital transparency.  To see one or two of the same images made  
with a regular transparency, not a waxed paper negative, would be  
really interesting.  But I'm guessing that's the main reason for using  
them-- the resulting image is just that much more dreamlike and  
evocative.  At least, that's the only reason I'd go to that much  
trouble-- but your suggestion that maybe it's also a way of  
controlling very fast exposures (using only strong sun as the UV light  
source) makes a lot of sense, too, Loris.

On Feb 8, 2010, at 6:09 PM, Loris Medici wrote:

> Paul will give his genuine answer to that question but if I'm not
> mistaking he was exposing using sunlight and his location (CA, IIRC)
> has plenty of good/strong sunlight rich of UV. Maybe it's a way to
> control very fast exposures? Also (speculating even more) I think the
> paper will give the layers some kind of organic/random screen, which
> maybe is good for gum since the process is easier (both the practice
> itself and stronger image) with textured subjects. ???
> Not that I answer it in place of Paul but your question (very logical
> to me BTW) had me think about these and just wanted to mention...
> Regards,
> Loris.
> 2010/2/8 zphoto at montana.net <zphoto at montana.net>:
>> Paul,
>> Refresh my memory:  what do you feel is the advantage of
>> these waxed paper negatives over Inkpress, Pictorico, or
>> Arista OHP?  Taking time, mess, purchase of beeswax and
>> Epson paper, for instance.  Is there a visual effect that
>> you achieve with the thicker paper? And if it is only cost,
>> have you figured out a per-negative cost to doing it this
>> way?
>> I have never tried it, finding Pictorico excellent, but for
>> BW this would have some good possibilities.
>> Chris
>> ----- Original Message -----

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