Loris Medici mail at loris.medici.name
Thu Jul 29 07:56:57 GMT 2010

First, thanks to all involved (in this specific discussion) for the high
quality discussion & style. A special thanks to Diana for kindly taking "the
hard route" of expressing her thoughts / feelings clearly in an elaborate
way, instead of taking the "easy way" of making shallow comments (which some
were ornated with derogatory adjectives) - masquerading as jokes...

Alberto has my point; what I was talking about wasn't "rocket science"(!)
(and most importantly, I definitely wasn't saying it's the one and only /
correct way of doing it!)... If you can use the four basic arithmetic
operators, you can also do what I've described. We have internet now; one
can easily find the formula of the compounds, learn about their variants,
find out their molecular masses, ... and even let the computer balance
simple chemical reactions!

Diana, in teaching, actually almost all is about "how to present the
subject", not "the subject" - especially for this kind of very simple
(really!) stuff which is definitely "within the reach of any normal person
with a normal (highschool?) education". Plus, I really don't like the idea
of letting people play which chemicals w/o learning something (absolute
minimum) about them...

Thanks much again & Regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: alt-photo-process-list-bounces at lists.altphotolist.org On Behalf Of
Alberto Novo
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2010 10:16 AM
To: The alternative photographic processes mailing list

>> ...
>> But I digress. My point is-- I agree with you.  What made you think I
>> didn't?   Just because I said I would have been turned off by all that
>> chemistry in a beginning alt photo class/photography class?  Well, I
>> would have been.  And I personally wouldn't teach a beginning printing
>> class that way, either.
> Diana,
> me too (perhaps not being an English mothertongue) had the feeling that
> in your post you were in disagreement with the argumentations about
> chemistry and math. I would add that the scientific concepts used in those
> discussions were very simple, and I learned them when I was 12 years
> old (proportions) and 15 (molarity and >>stoichiometry). I suppose that
> others should have learned the same things at more or less my same age,
> and should be known like the basic grammar, history and literature.
> ...

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