[alt-photo] Re: cyanotype

Christina Anderson zphoto at montana.net
Wed Jun 2 23:20:55 GMT 2010

Penland is WET now!!!!! So we are all (my class) making a run into the local town to buy a case to have cocktails at 5PM on the "veranda". But we are really careful to be done with work before we do that (we can't reenter the darkroom/dimroom after having imbibed) so it is always a tossup--keep working and doing great prints or cut it short and enjoy a glass of wine with the group.  Really fun group of students from 25-65.

Christina Z. Anderson

On Jun 2, 2010, at 10:40 AM, francis schanberger wrote:

> Chris,
> I always viewed the lavender as a nice surprise in botanical photograms done
> in cyanotype. The moisture trapped in the leaves often gives a surprise
> purple kick in the light midtones that I suspect is fugitive.
> After moving from the relatively dry climate of Southern California to Ohio,
> I viewed the 60% relative humidity as a bonus for working alt. What is the
> relative humidity at Penland and how are you dealing with, despite the high
> humidity, working in a "dry" county?
> -francis

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