[alt-photo] Re: to shrink or not to shrink (registration)

Diana Bloomfield dhbloomfield at bellsouth.net
Mon Mar 22 21:47:15 GMT 2010

Hey Paul.  At the risk of racking up too many posts here-- I just  
wanted to let you know that I took one of my pieces of Rives, right  
out of the flat file (no pre-shrinking or sizing), and I've done only  
one coat now-- but there was no staining, though I did have to leave  
it in the water far longer than I normally do.   I'll let you know  
what happens when I try a second coat.  Even though there's no  
staining with this one coat-- I do miss having that slight sheen from  
the PVA, so I might just stay with the PVA-- but I'm gonna finish this  
one out for any registration/staining problems with subsequent layers.

Thanks again for your updates/results.


On Mar 22, 2010, at 3:17 PM, Paul Viapiano wrote:

>> On Mar 22, 2010, at 8:27 AM, Paul Viapiano wrote:
>>> Diana...
>>> I didn't size and I didn't preshrink. Paper is 10 x 11 inches,   
>>> image size is approx 6 x 6 inches, give or take.
>>> Here's a scan after 2 layers, indigo and then raw sienna, waxed   
>>> paper neg.
>>> http://www.flickr.com/photos/viapiano/4454749196/
>>> Please let me know what you think...anything at all!
>>> Thx..Paul

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