[alt-photo] Re: casein

Don Bryant donsbryant at gmail.com
Fri Apr 29 00:10:32 GMT 2011


Are you trying to let the ammonia evaporate from the solution, probably 
because you dislike its smell?

The odor doesn't concern me, however for some reason I thought it desirable
to have the ammonia dissipate (evaporate).

It will take more time than it is required by the alkalinity of the solution

to break the casein molecula. I prefer to use it in a few days from the 
preparation, or to keep it -tightly capped- in the refrigerator.


If you wish to prepare sodium caseinate, then use:
casein powder 6g
water 50 cc
sodium hydroxide 1.7% 10 cc
Heat with stirring at 70-80°C for 15-30 in a water bath, then cool. 

Thanks for that formula.

> Is there any pointing in considering Calcium caseinate?

> Why to complicate your life if ammonium and sodium are enough? :-) 

Just thought I would inquire since cal. cas. seems to be a common form.


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