[alt-photo] Re: back to the flaking/speckling question

Keith Gerling keith.gerling at gmail.com
Mon Nov 21 21:56:04 GMT 2011

1)  I would try putting a pigment-less layer of gum over the already sized
paper and exposing it to light and rinsing out the dichromate.  It will be
a little "tanned", but should correct the flaking issue.

2)  You can also remove the hardened gelatin by soaking in a weak solution
of household bleach.  Don't' overdo it, or you will weaken the paper.

3) Dump that glyoxol.  It is a huge PITA.  The 4th in my list of Great
Discoveries in Gum is when Christina Z. Anderson popularized Gluteraldahyde
as a gelatin hardener.  My life became far easier!  Glyoxal is a
hearbreaker.  Always messing up one way or another.


On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 9:39 AM, Willen, Matthew S <willenm at etown.edu>wrote:

> Well,
> After much experimentation, I've pretty much come to the conclusion that
> the problems with what I last week called "speckling," but was pointed out
> that it is actually "flaking," is due to something that happened while
> sizing the paper. So, the question I have now is what to do about it? I
> have a bunch of a gelatin/glyoxal sized paper (only on one side), some
> sheets do fine, others flake like there is no tomorrow, and for the life of
> me I can't determine any sort of surface difference which would indicate
> how one or another sheet might behave. Is there anyway to remove the
> sizing, and then redo it? Or just resize the other side of each sheet? Any
> suggestions?
> How about using glyoxal indoors? It is getting pretty chilly around here,
> and even though I can keep the gelatin solution warm in a thermos, as soon
> as it come out it is exposed to some chilly conditions.
> Thanks
> Matt
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