[alt-photo] Re: caseine patent

Anke Drewitz adrewitz at yahoo.de
Wed Sep 7 11:24:14 GMT 2011

Am 01/09/2011 16:03, schrieb Christina Anderson:
> I am trying to find a French patent 151,014 on caseine pigment
> printing (I think--it may be on caseine film making which is not of
> interest). I have done a search through espace.net and they have,
> too, and can't seem to locate it. There is no date given, and no
> applicant name. Is there anyone from France on the list who knows how
> I can find this patent?

At the German patent information system (Depatis) I found a patent from
JACQUES AMIOT with this Number in GB:
GB000000151014A [EN] Improvements relating to photographic sensitisers
A search for JACQUES AMIOT results in
FR000000512673A [FR] Sensibilisateur photographique pour papiers,
étoffes, etc.
(pdf for both available)
Maybe this is the patent you are looking for.



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