[alt-photo] Re: caseine patent

Christina Anderson zphoto at montana.net
Thu Sep 8 13:27:53 GMT 2011

Anke found the last patent I was looking for!

Anke is a GEM.

Unfortunately, most of the casein/photography stuff is mixing silver salts into the casein, as a replacement for gelatin or collodion. I'm trying to find the use of it with pigments, as comparable to gum printing, and it was not prevalent is an understatement. Thus Lupo's patent in the 50s using pigments, which was what inspired Franklin Enos, is more what I am looking for. Enos inspired Theissen, and so on and so forth (found mentions on the process in Deborah Flynn's book, Laura Blacklow's book...).


Christina Z. Anderson

On Sep 7, 2011, at 5:24 AM, Anke Drewitz wrote:

> Am 01/09/2011 16:03, schrieb Christina Anderson:
>> I am trying to find a French patent 151,014 on caseine pigment
>> printing (I think--it may be on caseine film making which is not of
>> interest). I have done a search through espace.net and they have,
>> too, and can't seem to locate it. There is no date given, and no
>> applicant name. Is there anyone from France on the list who knows how
>> I can find this patent?
> At the German patent information system (Depatis) I found a patent from
> JACQUES AMIOT with this Number in GB:
> GB000000151014A [EN] Improvements relating to photographic sensitisers
> A search for JACQUES AMIOT results in
> FR000000512673A [FR] Sensibilisateur photographique pour papiers,
> étoffes, etc.
> (pdf for both available)
> Maybe this is the patent you are looking for.
> http://depatisnet.dpma.de/DepatisNet/depatisnet?window=1&space=main&content=index&action=index&switchToLang=en
> Anke
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