[alt-photo] Re: printer weirdness

Keith Gerling keith.gerling at gmail.com
Fri Sep 30 17:36:59 GMT 2011

Borrow a cheap PC with Windows 7 and try that.  Chance are it will work and
you can use that for your printing workstation.  Hide the box, use a Apple
monitor and maybe nobody will notice..

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 8:38 PM, Joseph Smigiel <smieglitz at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks everyone for the information and tips.  I did set the Colormunki
> preferences to v.2 and that eliminated the blue surround problem.  However,
> no matter what I do, the profiled result has too much contrast and is very
> yellow compared to the screen.
> Going back to letting the 4900 printer manage the color, I was able to
> tweak the settings in the print driver and achieve a pretty close match to
> the screen within three tries.  FWIW, my correction was:
> +5 Brightness
> -10 Contrast
> 0 Saturation
> +8 Cyan
> +8 Magenta
> -2 Yellow
> I'm still at a loss as to why the profiling isn't working.
> Thanks again.
> Joe
> On Sep 29, 2011, at 5:47 AM, Kees Brandenburg wrote:
>> Here's a link to the ColorMunki faq about V2 and V4 profiles:
>> http://xritephoto.com/ph_**product_overview.aspx?ID=1115&**
>> Action=Support&SupportID=5240<http://xritephoto.com/ph_product_overview.aspx?ID=1115&Action=Support&SupportID=5240>
>> I suggest to set this to V2 and remeasure your profiles
>> Kees
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