Don donsbryant at gmail.com
Thu May 17 01:07:47 GMT 2012

  These are just like camera raw files except that the data come from 
linear image sensor in the scanner. So, you can use Lightroom or Camera 
RAW to render the file later and enjoy nondestructive editing workflow 
until you hit Photoshop.

Ryuji, technically Vuescan DNG files really aren't like camera RAW 
files. The file produced by Vuescan is essentially rendered data stuffed 
into a TIFF format with a DNG wrapper. The Adobe DNG format is quite 
flexible but don't be confused by the data you think you might have.

Bob Kiss, your version of LR must be 3.X since the notebook is running 
XP. Be sure to update LR 3.x and the latest version of ACR for CS5 since 
the RAW processing engine was improved and debugged quite extensively.

LR 4.x and CS6 ACR won't operate on a Windoz OS less than 64bit Win 7. 
So your notebook purchase is probably a dead end for upgrading to LR4.X 
and CS6. The MS Windows upgrade wizard can determine if the notebook can 
reliably run Win7 64. LR4.X and the CS6 ACR engine is way more superior 
(poor grammar?) than LR 3.X, so much so, I recommend you sell your 
notebook and upgrade to a machine that will support LR 4.x and CS6.  Be 
sure you have the license info for LR 3.x and CS5 and you can upgrade 
those products.

Don Bryant

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