[alt-photo] Re: Gelatin

Jacques Kevers jacqueskv at gmail.com
Fri Feb 15 13:26:01 GMT 2013

Thanks to all who shared info on this.
Much appreciated...

2013/2/13 Jacques Kevers <jacqueskv at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I'm considering the purchase of gelatin - photographic grade (250+ bloom)
> used for oil printing mainly.
> I got a quote for 2 quite similar types: physical and chemical ripening.
> The physical has a slightly higher bloom grade, the chemical ripening type
> contains significantly more calcium (4500mg/kg instead of 100).
> Any idea about the importance this could have when used with other
> processes?
> Thanks in advance, and best regards from Belgium
> Jacques - waiting for Christina's book :-)

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