
deadcat (
Wed, 3 Jan 1996 19:20:40 -0330 (NST)

A colleague and I have been researching and making photogravures for some
time now. We use traditional methods as described by Cartwright,
Bennett, Denison, Sacilotto, etc... In order to improve our technique we
orgainized a workshop with Jon Goodman who currently prints the editions
for the Aperture Portfolios (Strand, Steichen, etc...) The newsgroup seems to
have little to say on this process other than a recent reference to
photopolymergravure. Unfortunately this is totally unsuitable for our
purposes but could be a very useful, practical and safe way to
introduce the process to our students...
Could someone please let us know of a North American (preferrably
Canadian) source for this material? Also, any others who have been using
the gravure process, either asphaltum, rosin or screen based gravures on
copper, I would love to hear from you.

Dave Morrish
Department of Visual Arts
Sir Wilfred Grenfell College
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Corner Brook, NF