> But why are you wetting the paper? To get it back to the former size? If
> so, doesn't it just shrink up again when it dries? And if you don't let it
> dry completely, don't your negatives get ruined when you put them down on
> damp emulsion? Mine sure do.
> Judy
I am certainly not as experienced with gum printing as most of you, but
one thing I noticed in this thread on re-registration is that there has
been no mention of pre-shrinking. I suppose that this may simply be a
"given" that you all take for granted, but if not.... What about initially
soaking the paper in HOT water, drying (& shrinking) the paper, then
sizing at least two times? I've done this and had no problem with 8x10
gums. I've also mentioned the name of Steven Livick once before. He
produces FOUR COLOR gum prints of about 32 inches by 40" in *perfect*
registration. It would be very informative if someone knew or could find
out how he manages to do THAT!!! For gum purists, he may not be an ideal
example because he prints from commercially (I assume) produced half-tone
separations. They are very fine line, so registration seems to be even
more important.Coor balance is also very accurate in the examples I have
Dave Morrish