> dear all,
> pperhaps i have missed a recent disscussion on this topic, but i am
> wondering if anyone can suggest some reputable graduate schools
> anywhere in the world that offer facilities to students doing collotype
> and/ or photogravure. i recieved my undergraduate degree from arizona
> state university(where i learned these processes) and am searching for a
> good place to continue on in graduate school. any positive/negatives
> about certain school would be mighty helpful either through private
> email or on the list.
> thanks in advance,
> john
Dear John,
I think I talked with you on the phone last fall. I am a collotypist and
teach the process to interested graduate students here at the university
of Texas, San Antonio. We print in either litho or etching presses but
do not use Vandercook's as you did with Jim H. at ASU. I teach both
traditional (glass/gelatin) and contemporary (commercial film matrix)
processes. We work closely with the photodepartment which is just the
floor below us, Neil Maurer is the photo person here, I am the
photo/printmaker. We also just built a separate darkroom in the print
studio with 2-3 enlarger stations just for making negatives for photo
printmaking and alt. photo processes.
We can send you an MFA packet if you are interested in our program.
Kent Rush, University of Texas, San Antonio