> Diane--
> Unfortunately, despite its name, Chicago Albumen works only has
> POP, a European pre-coated brand. Unless their catalog is failing to
> tell me something, they do not have a pre-coated albumen. As I sit here
> and write this, I am in the process of making an albumen print. So far,
> the sandwich has been under the UV light for over 1 hour. Sometime
> before I go to be, I hope it finishes.
> Thank you Diane for your efforts! If there are experienced
> albumen printers out there, I would certainly love to hear from you on
> such mundane matters as whether Reilly is correct that UV flourescents
> are too weak, etc. TIA. Jim
Having printed two portfolios for clients in albumen, I can state that
blacklight flourescents are not too weak to print in albumen. If your
time is over an hour, either your negatives are too heavy, or there is
something wrong with your coating procedures.
More info?