Re: Deionised ossein

TERRY KING (101522.2625@CompuServe.COM)
25 Jun 96 18:46:18 EDT


continuation sheet.

<As I said, since it's going into tap water anyway, for the development,
>don't the salts react with the sensitizers then? You develop in distilled?

Philippe does and I am thinking about how his system works. But if you put
chlorinated water in the gelatine it will be associated with the sensitising
salts for somewhat longer than two minutes wash in running water under the tap.

>I'll add, BTW, that I did the entire rigamarole over the weekend -- with
>the warmed plate (whatever that was for -- an anorak? why not just dip
>brush into the beaker with the gelatine in it?)

Because I find it more effective to work from the plate and I keep the liquid
ossein warm in its water bath.

> and the distilled
>water, the whole 9 yards, & it came out worse than with tap water, in fact
>it didn't clear at all. Hardly cleared even with no exposure! Of course the
>weather got worse too, but I suspect not that much worse.

Judy tell me what you are doing and with what objective and I wiIl tell you how
your practice differs from mine. Otherwise tt must be the jabberwocks. They are
hiding in the sewers along with the alligators. Maybe you could get those funny
turtles to help.

