Re: Gum Bichromate Kit from Photo. Formulary

Macy Garcia (
Thu, 18 Jul 96 16:05:26 -0000

>I am also interested in knowing whether the kit is complete in itself, that
>is, does it contain all the chemical need to make the first print?

I'm in the same position, not yet gotten my feet wet in Gum printing, and
was interested in the Kit mentioned. I contacted the Formulary regarding
what is included to see if it was a value. This was their reply:

Contents of Gum Dichromate Kit:

300ml Liquid Gum Arabic
27g Ammonium Dichromate
1 tube Lamp Black watercolor pigment

and instructions.

I think if I do it, I'd like to make more/larger prints than the kit
allows. I've already been collecting watercolors I like. Though it will
cost more, I think I will buy a pound of Potassium Dichromate for $15.95
(454g) (100g cost 7.95) more than 16 times the amount in the kit. The
liquid Gum arabic is expensive, 1 pint of 14 Baume is $14.19. From the
many posts I've learned a gallon of liguid gum arabic used for
lithography costs about $19. Don't forget your paper and Gelatin.

The kit doesn't address the Sodium (or Potassium) (meta)Bisulfate
solution used in clearing, or the gelatin hardner I've heard debated upon.

I want to do 12x12 inch prints from litho negatives (Dektol), in multiple

I hope I've covered everything.

Macy Garcia