Re: Searching the archives (was Re: Tissue for Carbon Print)

George L Smyth (
Thu, 25 Jul 1996 17:50:14 -0400 wrote:
> In a message dated 96-07-25 09:37:42 EDT, you write:
> << Actually, I wrote a program that lists the archive location and subjects
> within it. If anyone would find it useful, I can place it on my Web
> page.
> >>
> In an earlier post, I volunteered to write a program like this, but I just
> found that this has been done. :)
> Is it possible that this index file be placed in the list so that it can be
> retrieved just like one would retrive a FAQ?

I could do this, but there have been 4,000+ messages and I certainly
wouldn't want to fill anyone's mail box.


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