Re: 4x5 developing

Jodie Allen (74160.3410@CompuServe.COM)
02 Aug 96 01:16:00 EDT

>1. Does anyone know of some surplus place that might have these
>little gems? I'll take as many as I can get.

These are just rubber blocks with a T shaped cut in them. Why don't you make
your own? Or if your University has an engineering or physics department ask on
of their machine shops to make you some. How many do you need?

>2. I'm looking into Jobo as a replacement product in the future.
>If you use Jobo, please tell me the pros and cons. Can our
>motorbases be used with the jobo drums?

Very nice, but they are a bit pricey.

>Also interested in other alternative

Phil Davis' BTZS tubes would be an option and can be made from plumbing supplies
at your local hardware store, or there is a commercial source for these as well.
The BTZS tubes have caps on the ends of the tubes. Another system, I don't
remember the name right off hand, just uses open ended tubes.

Hope this helps.

- Wayde Allen