> to the historical process by the same
name? Only by the name?<
Yes Only by the name.
>I have been using polymers for my work and am very interested in the
process of Dunstan Perera. I understand, that most of you are skeptical to
it, but I would really appreciate to get a chance to judge for myself.<
Of course you should judge for yourself, I am not skeptical of the process
only the mans alarmist marketing methods.
All I would say to you, is take his claims of chemical safety with a pinch
of salt , be just as careful as you would be with any conventional
dichromate process
>send me a copy of the article in "Amateur Photographer", April 8, 1995,,<
When I get back to college next week I will see if I can find you a copy,
if you are not suited by then.
BTW I would be very interested in your use of polymers, as acrylics and
polymers are becoming a part of my work also, perhaps we could trade