Polymer Gravure plates ? (fwd)

Robert (RNEWCOMB@uga.cc.uga.edu)
Thu, 26 Sep 96 15:58:18 EDT

Can somebody help ?

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 96 17:35:16 EDT
Subject: Polymer Gravure plates ?
To: alt-photo-process@cse.unsw.edu.au
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Hi alt people,
Can anyone help me find the plates for Polymer Photogravure ?
Ross told me about Printight type KM 73R produced in Japan. Described as
a 0.73mm thick layer of UV sensitive polymer coated on a thin steel plate.

Please excuse my ignorance, but is this a plate made just for this purpose ?
Would Freestyle in L.A. have these ? Or a graphic supply place.
Please, if you know more than I do about this topic ( which ain't much ),
help !!!
Thank you,