Re: Presentation of alt. prints

Peter Marshall (
Thu, 26 Sep 96 21:34 BST-1

In-Reply-To: <>

> On Thu, 26 Sep 1996, Peter Marshall wrote:
> > One way to avoid many problems is to display work in display cases rather
> > frames. I haven't tried it properly, but increasing the frame depth so
> > there is a largish gap between glass and picture seems to help - sort of
> > part-way towards the display case.
> Prints in display cases can be very frustrating -- you can't get your face
> in them, that is, can't get up really close....
> Judy
As Bas added to my suggestion it need only be about 3cm - surely that's close
enough for you. It would be possible to build this into a frame, though it
would add to the cost. He also suggests tilting the glass slightly, though if
you get really close you don't get noticeable reflections.

I think the viewing distance is also important here. If you are producing
large gum prints they are probably best viewed from several feet away, while
4x5" platinums require close inspection. So close that I would be pretty
doubtful about putting these on public display without glass.

Peter Marshall

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