cyanotype solution
Sat, 12 Oct 1996 12:40:23 -0500 (EST)

In May of 1994, I made up standard cyanotype solutions (I think from
Laura Blacklows' book "New Directions..") (no oxalic acid...etc.)

These "A", "B" solutions were put in seperate, clean, old hydrogen peroxide
bottles, after which I placed each into a plain white plastic bag.
Into a wooden cabinate in my cellar they went.

This week (Oct 1996) I was going to clean out my cabinate and make up
some new cyanotype solutions.....checked out the old solutions before
throwing them out...they seemed OK ...tried a few test prints...they
seemed to work OK too. Coatings were as normal yellow-yellow green...
..prints were deep blue and paper white respectively.

2 1/2 years seems like a long time. Sooooo...should I:

a). Throw these solutions out anyway.

b). If it ain't broke...don't fix it.

