I know that the kit is marketed in the UK by Keith Dugdale. His e-mail
address is:
KEITH DUGDALE <106253.451@compuserve.com>
I'm sure he won't mind my saying that he is not the swiftest person in the
world when it comes to replying to e-mail ;-) , but he does reply
eventually!!! There you are, Keith, your tardiness has been "outed" on the
Jonathan Anderson
PS. I would agree (for what my opinion is worth, which probably ain't much)
with Peter Marshall's assesment of this process - the examples I have seen
make it seem, to me at least, well worth investigating (I'm about to do so
myself). Anyway, even if the results prove not to be identical to the
sublime values of platinum, this does not mean that the process is not
worth investigating..... And there is always palladium printing on its own
to consider. Do you have Luis Nadeau's excellent book on Platinum? If you
want to try platinum, it really is a tremendous help!