Re: Your opinion on Hazardous Mtrl Sales

Eugene Robkin (
Fri, 13 Dec 1996 15:53:44 -0600

At 06:18 AM 12/14/96 +1100, you wrote:
>At the risk of starting the biggest flame war on the alt-photo list, I would
>like to get some opinions from list members on sales of potentially
>hazardous materials to phtographers.


I for one would be very disappointed if necessary materials were even more
unavailable because there are idiots in the world. Dick is quite right in
pointing out the inconsistency in all of this. In my local farm supply I
can buy syringes and needles, antibiotics, some other powerful drugs
intended for creatures with hooves, sulphuric, hydrochloric and phosphoric
acid by the gallon, copper sulphate and potassium nitrate by the pound,
sodium hydroxide as lye, and a bunch of other stuff. Yes, Judy this is
not NYC.

On the other hand Dick should be concerned about protecting himself and his
business from the idiots and their lawyers.

Ok, we want availability and Dick wants protection from idiots and to that
end I have the following suggestions.

1) MSD sheets with everything. I think they are available online and can be
downloaded for copying. The marginal cost of this is low. I'd bet that B&S
is required to have these available to anyone who requests one with an order
but maybe not.

2) An order form that requires a statement from the purchaser that they
really know what they are doing and won't blame B&S. The cost here is for
having the form prepared in the first place and it may not actually offer
much protection. I hate to say that but lawsuits are weird.

3) A safe handling pamphlet keyed to each item to be included with all
orders for that item. This has preparation costs but the copy costs should
be low.

One more thing. My wife teaches art and was in charge of arranging for the
speaker at her last art teachers convention. She brought in a safety expert
who she said was outstanding. I'll get the contact information from her
tonight and post it. It may be that Dick needs to consult with this person
and it may be that those of you who run teaching programs also need this

I wish I could be of more help.

Just as a general comment we may need to start a file about alternative
sources for supplies somewhat along the lines of the earlier syringe thread.
For example, farm supply stores for some acids.

Eugene Robkin