Masking technique for contact printing, part 1 of 3
Terry King (
Sat, 04 January 1997 7:16 AM
Message text written by
>>> ..I find that aesthetic and evaluative issues ...
>> ***can be handled in a civil manner*** ... [On the
>> photohst list,] it came when members began to respect
>> each other, when they combined analytic and evaluative
>> comments, when they showed that they were willing to
>> change their thoughts and judgments, and most
>>important, when they began taking responsibility for
>> what they declared. I think we can achieve
This is a quote from Ron.
A quote from Burns:
' O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us
To see oursels as others see us !
It wad from mony a blunder free us,
And foolish notion.'
Terry King
PS If there is to be further discussion on this matter, and I pray not, I
think it should be off list !