Re: Platinum Thanks

Peter Marshall (
Sat, 04 January 1997 6:47 AM

In-Reply-To: <>

> A Happy New Years to all on the list. I know I am better off today
> because this caucus exists than I was before relative to my ability
> to make platinum/palladium prints.
> My thanks to Terry King, who earlier this year spearheaded an English
> position to deal with contrast control via platinum-palladium
> concentration variation vs the more American position of dealing with
> contrast control by using chlorates.
> After printing more than 75 prints during the holiday season, by using
> the metals only for contrast control, my results were GREAT!! The only
> down side is that my mixes are now in the 8 platinum to 2 palladium
> range. I can go to 9 to 1 at most. 10 to 0 and the images
> fog/solarize. Such proportions are a more expensive, but my customers
> have been very pleased.


Pleased you have found the work that we did in the UK of use. If you are able
to alter the negs it is worth trying to increase their contrast a little - I
think selenium toning is a pretty safe way to do this, though I used to use
chromium intensifier which gives quite a pronounced effect.

Peter Marshall

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