> On Mon, 6 Jan 1997 wmlaven@well.com wrote:
> [David said:]
> > >I've noticed that printing Pt/Pd on Arches Platine that my Dmax was
> > >signficantly lower if I blow dried the paper.
> >
> > And, ironically, I noticed the exact opposite. A year or so ago David and I
> > were copmparing notes and techniques and got very different results
> > w/similar techniques. His technique of double coating with Pt/Pd and
> > letting both dry overnight gave him spectacular results and me plain old
> > dull flat prints; when I did my technique of double coating and letting the
> > print dry naturally for 10 or 15 minutes (sometimes less) than drying with
> > a hair daryer gave me the long scale and high dMax that he got in a totally
> > different way. East coast vs. West coast?? Wouldn't surprise me (He's near
> > Boston, I'm in SF) Since we all know how so many different variables can
> > effect alt-photo processes, maybe its not just the blow drying which makes
> > a difference, but even perhaps how it is blow dried, ie the temp setting,
> > the distance from the paper, the amt of time, etc etc. Same old, same old;
> > while we can discuss broad categories of where differences occur, some of
> > the major differences, and least quantifiable, come in individual
> > technique.
> Bill, you don't say if you were using the same paper --although the other
> variables you mention would surely be important (esp. how long you wait
> before drying), I'd expect that to be the most overriding. And, of course,
> as we now know, even if it were the same *nominal* paper, it could be from
> a different lot. (As the guy from Arches said, "what's platinum
> printing?")
> Judy
I also would like to know how each stores his paper and from what
supplier they get it from. The relative
humidity of the storage area, affecting RH of the paper at the time of
first coating, will also affect the results. As to the drying temp and
time, they will both change the effects of coating. I was able to
eliminate streaking on some papers early in my coating days by adjusting
the front and backside drying times and temps when using a blow dryer.
EJ Neilsen