On Tue, 7 Jan 1997, Peter Marshall wrote:
> In-Reply-To: <l03010d00aef5504f207c@>
> Relative humidity - a dim memory
> Didn't we used to measure relative humidity by some method involving wrapping
> a little wet cloth round the end of a thermometer and swinging it around for a
> bit? Then I think you had to compare the wet and dry temperatures and do a bit
> of looking up in some table or other.
In looking at my scientific resource catelogs, I can find meters that
cost as little as $35.00, and up wards of 400.00. The $35 dollar units
work well enough, and have a very visable read out. Tri Ess and VWR
scientific offer several units.
> Can't remember the details - but certainly no expensive equipment was involved
> - a little rag and a rubber band on the thermometer - and I think the results
> were accepted as accurate.
> Peter Marshall
> On Fixing Shadows, Dragonfire and elsewhere:
> http://faraday.clas.virginia.edu/~ds8s/
> Family Pictures & Gay Pride: http://www.dragonfire.net/~gallery/
> and: http://www.speltlib.demon.co.uk/
EJ Neilsen