We are not the alternative

Richard Sullivan ( richsul@roadrunner.com)
Fri, 10 January 1997 5:52 PM

I just had dinner with John Stevenson of the Platinum Gallery here in Santa
Fe. He's pulling up stakes and moving to NYNY, (bummer!). He is also
expanding to include other processes, not just platinum. We, at Bostick &
Sullivan are going down the same path, so this we liked.

More to the point, however. we also talked about the terminology we use to
describe our endeavors. The term "alternative photography" really irks us
both. There is an implication in it that it is not normal, or that it is
"secondary". John likes the term "Classical" and I agree. Everyone gets at
least an idea of what is being referred to when we mention Classical music.
(and let's not get picky about Mozart being "Classical" and Beethoven being
"Romantic.") The term can gain meaning by it usage. We all know what we mean
by "alternative", even though the word doesn't convey very much meaning by
itself, especially in terms of photography. It just sort of says "it's not
that kind of photography".

We are to photography what Classical is to music. Is Polaroid Jazz? Is
digital Rock and Roll?

The "List" is turning out to be a great force in photography and we in short
order make the term "Classical photography" convey to the world that it is
the the kind of photography that we do.


Dick Sullivan
Bostick & Sullivan
