Re: IRIS question

Rex Taylor (
Mon, 13 January 1997 3:45 AM

>By the way , make sure that your printer is using the ILABS series 2 inks
>from England.
Can someone tell me where to obtain ILABS series 2 inks.

Has anyone tried printing a negative off of ink jet and using it for contact
printing. I have some "negs" I have made this way and am going to try
printing this week. Would be very interested in sharing information with
anyone interested in this.

I have printed from Adobe to an HP using photographic inks bought off the
shelf at a computer store and have made some nice prints. The tone in the
prints seems more graduation then in a silver process. Only problem is if
you stand right on top of the print you see the dots, I only have 600 dpi.
The paper used was Kodak's photographic ink jet paper, I have tried water
color and rice. I had the same problem with the color sinking on water
color but the rice had a interesting "block printing" kind of look.


rex taylor
