Some of the comments seem to recommend that a new name be accurate,
inclusive, and logical.
Another kind of reasoning suggests adopting a name that gathers its
meaning through use. Those holding this view, I suspect, conceive of
names as being fanciful and organic. Thus we have examples of Guerilla
Photography, X-Photography, neo-sessionists, uvatiarru, and most recently
Renaissance. But do note, these names are seriously contenders. We can
play and be serious at the same time!
The two positions seem to represent two different values: the first tries
to be historically/technically accurate and normative; the second attempts
to emphasize a creative and resourceful *potential*.
I favor the second approach. In the long run it will have a better chance
of a growth of meaning.
I just can't resist telling this story. A few years ago, the Canadian
government issued a dollar coin. Since it had a Loon on it, the coin was
called, yes, the Loony. People had all sorts of fun with the name.
Subsequent issues of the dollar coin left the Loon out but the name stuck.
Then the government issued a two dollar coin. So it became known as the
Toony even though it had no birds at all. We are awaiting further coins
and names.
Play and enjoy: that's a part of our photography.