Re: Making Digital Negatives

Tom Ferguson ()
Fri, 24 January 1997 9:42 AM

>Stephen Edgar wrote:
> And, don't think you can work with platinum coatings without a safe
>light. >Incadesent light WILL fog the coating; recommended is a sodium
>vapor >safelight.<BIG SNIP>

Sorry, this is simply not true in my case. I have a 100 watt light bulb in
the hallway outside my darkroom. I leave this on and the door open. I
only get "bounced" light, not direct. My caoting area measures F2-1/2 at 1
second at ASA 100 (incident meter). I have left paper with quarter on it
for over an hour, no problem (Bostick and Sullivan chemicals, Platinotype
paper, developed in Ammonium Citrate). The only alt-photo process
(renaisance, X, Classical, HELP!!!) that gave me trouble with this amount
of light was "Liquid Light". Friends have told me I could have a lot more
light if I wanted (for platinum work), but I can see fine as is, so haven't
