Re: Dichromate as a Contrast Agent for Palladium

Jeffrey D. Mathias ()
Fri, 24 January 1997 2:08 PM

Terry King wrote:
> Message text written by "Jeffrey D. Mathias"
> >
> Potassium Dichromate has a hazard rating of 4-0-3-3.
> Ammonium Dichromate has a hazard rating of 4-1-3-3.
> The ratings are indicative of health-flammability-reactivity-contact.
> 4=extreme<
> Jeff
> The use of the word 'extreme' is extreme even if one knows what those who
> drew up the ratings meant by their use of the word.
> Surely its use here is analagous to the use of a blunderbuss to fight a
> mouse.
> Have the people who drew up these ratings produced anything more precise
> and more responsible.


This comes from OSHA, US Government. So, what do you expect.

The Health Hazard rating is described as "the danger of toxic effect a
substance presents if inhaled, ingested or absorbed." A rating of 4
definatly demands respect. However, any chemical 70760.1511@CompuServe.COM (even if rated 0)
should be handled appropriately. That is all.

