>First of all, three cheers for Gordon. To take over this list is, I'm
>sure, a lot of work.
It certainly is.
> To be greeted by so many "unsubscribes", complaints,
>and insults is truely a crime. Please don't respond any more than you have
>to when replying to these mis-guided folks.
Unsubscribing should not be a crime! I tried to unsubscribe and the
list told me I wasn't on the list, so I couldn't unsubscribe. Sounds like a
cyber catch 22 but kind of funny anyway. So I'm still here. But I didn't
try to unsubscribe due to the list problems, the list was just getting away
from things I was interested in, like what we should call ourselves. I have
no more wish to see that kind of material than others here wish to see
threads about elementary level alt-photo work.
>This list has always been a wonderfuly spirited but civilized place. Let
>the unhappy lurkers go,
They serve also those who sit and listen. I never learned anthing
when I was talking.
Seriously, this list is not only informative, but entertaining. (I
think Judy and Terry should put their email correspondence into a book, I
love it!) Surely there is no need to insult the people who are providing
this service, but likewise we shouldn't snub people for trying to
unsubscribe or not being very active on the list.
And I guess if the list won't let me go, it is trying to tell me
something, so I'll still be here, in semi-lurk mode.
- Mike -