SV: Polaroid Pos/Neg film/Zone System
Ole Chr. Magneshaugen (
Tue, 04 Feb 1997 16:57:03 +0100
You might want to check out the Issue 12 og the official Polaroid magazine "P", this issue was dedicated various uses of Polaroid materials for B&W. Many interviews with practioners, among them a London-based photographer, names Peter Warren, who uses PN film for Platinum printing. he states that the PN films fit like hand in glove for the Platinium work, (that he does anyway).
The "P" is probably the most delicate and well presented product information, coming from a manufacturer I`ve seen. Doesn`t obvously brag on the "excellence" of the products.
Attachment Converted: "e:\eudora\attach\SV Polaroid PosNeg filmZone "