This is nonsense. Even the manufacturers will tell you that more than 40
inches away the light is harmless. For some people whose burner is in the
studio that would mean they spend most of their time in the street. If
your fixture is the usual standing structure with light above, vacuum at
about table height, it probably has a series of holes in the frame around
the light stage. You can fasten a lightproof cloth (I have a rubberized
darkroom cloth from Porters Camera store) around 3 sides so that
sensitized material in the vicinity is not exposed (including you),
leaving the front open for access and for ventilation. Position the piece,
assuming it's in your studio, to face away from your general work area.
And congrats on a great acquisition. I assume it has a fan -- do not turn
off the fan until the glass under the light feels cold to the touch,
otherwise you could burn out your $100 bulb before its time (unless you
came into some spares on that, too).