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Among books I thought might be of interest to folks on the list (& still
available as of yesterday when I ordered a couple) are:
Kent Wade's "Alternative Photographic Process," 1978, Morgan & Morgan,
$40. This is a lovely book for anyone interested in craft-type photo --
has more info on metal, leather, ceramics, glass, that type of thing, than
I've seen elsewhere. It's not well made (paperback, pages of mine are
loose, etc.), but I think it's a classic, and hardly ever found used.
(out of print, naturally).
Thomas Feldvebel's "A Modern Manual of Ambrotyping," 1977, was his MFA
thesis at RIT. I think I have this one (somewhere in the Missisippi Delta)
& if it's the one I recall, very good illustrations. $40
"The Real Thing: An Anthology of British Photography, 1840-1940" Arts
Council of Great Britain, 1975. 124 pp, 80 full page B& W plates. $45.
David Featherstone, "The Diana Show: Pictures Through a Plastic Lens."
$50. This was Untitled #21 from Friends of Photography, 1980, 56 pages
with 3 B&w photos. I have this one, recommend it.
Norman Locks, "Familiar Subjects: Polaroid SX70 Impressions," 1978. $40. I
think this was the first compendium of altered polaroids, reproduced
actual size. Was a delight at the moment, looks a little deja vu today,
but c'est la vie.
Amaong others are a couple of books on panoramas, and of course lots more.
visit the web pages, you crawlers. (No I don't own stock, but I like to
see these books find loving homes.)