I would like to climb on Judy's band wagon here. People seem to use
Cranes' Cover' because somebody in print said that they should. TKOL
recommends Cranes Kid Finish. Sounds like parchment.
I suspect that people use Rives BFK because it worked well for salt prints
in the 1840s and so it must be good for alternative processes for ever and
It is better to experiment with a few good quality papers to see which
paper is best for your methods and working conditions.
For example these conditions can depend on which company is supplying your
water or which source is being used for the water. I know that it makes a
difference here . Randall Webb used to live in Hownslow, half a mile away,
and get MWB water. I live in Richmond and get Vauxhall Water Company
water. Neither of us have moved but now we both live in Richmond and get
TWA water. The boundaries and the companies have changed but our
cyanotypes still look different.
Terry king