Re: Ferric ammonium citrate

Greg Schmitz (
Fri, 21 Feb 1997 02:06:37 -0500 (EST)

For anyone that might be interested the post from which Dick quotes
was made by Alex Nanson on December 7th 1996. It was part of a thread
that was begun by Judy Seigel when she rec'd a batch that behaved
differently from previous batches. This led to a discussion of brown
scale versus green scale if my memory serves me correctly. BTW I use
READMAIL (a DOS program).

-greg schmitz

On Thu, 20 Feb 1997, Richard Sullivan wrote:

> >From my text database (InfoSelect which I highly recommend BTW) with no
> attributions:
> >Dissolving freshly precipitated ferric hydroxide in a solution of ammonium
> >citrate in the correct proportions, then evaporating is supposed to
> >produce the brown version. Perhaps the green version could be produced
> >by using an excess of ammonium citrate.
> I snagged it of the net, probably here from the list, so its author may be
> lurking.

>===for PGP Key finger Greg Schmitz <>===
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