Re: Ethel Ether

Judy Seigel (
Thu, 01 May 1997 12:47:36 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 30 Apr 1997, Doug Harding wrote:
> Is there anyone out there useing the Collodion Wet Plate process?
> I'm just getting into it and am getting together my chemicles. I've been
> collecting for several years and have just started this past year with the
> process.

Are you familiar with The Collodion Journal? A quarterly, yearly sub.
$25, from Scully & Osterman, Box 4543 George School, Newton, PA 18940. It
has articles & ads for materials & equipment.

Also, try Artcraft Chemicals Inc. 800/682-1730, best time is 5:30 to 7 PM
EST. They have a specialty of collodion supplies & may have, or know
about, your ethel ether. They also sell collodion by pint & quart, as
well as chloroform, in case you want to kill some cats on the side.

> Does anyone know where I can get ethel ether without a business licence.
> I'm not at the point where I'm willing to go to the expense of starting up
> a business just for 500mls.
> Cead Mile Failte

Thousands of weaknesses around here, too.
