Re: An alt-Photo organization?

David C. Clark (
Thu, 22 May 1997 18:37:44 -0500

I agree that the newsletter would be more trouble that it's worth, but
there are other worthy organizational possibilities.

I think the purchase of old, rare books and commissioning the rewriting
of the information into modern volumes would be a valuable, charitable
purpose. As would the development of traveling exhibits.

As a 501(c)6, group sales where a part of the proceeds went to members
who created the prints would be allowed, but that would not be permitted
if incorporated as 501(c)3. And I think most members might be
interested in sales <VBG>.

A traveling workshop series would be a possibility as a 501(c)3 but
there could be problems if the presenters were members and received any
compensation. I don't think there would be a problem with a 501(c)6
