Re: New Bromoil Paper

Judy Seigel (
Thu, 29 May 1997 02:28:30 -0400 (EDT)

On Tue, 27 May 1997, john lowen wrote:

> by the way the custom duty coming
> into the US from Britain is 3.7%$.

Dear travellers,

I don't know under what circumsances that 3.7% applies. My experience
bringing paper into the US from England was otherwise. For what it's worth
-- assuming my server permits this message to completion (5 disconnects so
far tonight):

Buying "artists" paper in two stores, I had my choice of paying the VAT
(value added tax) and applying for a refund at the airport, or not paying
it but paying to ship the paper direct to the airport, which would have
cost about the same. VAT is about 17%. Since there wasn't enough time to
count on separate delivery anyway, I opted for paying the tax, and filling
out the application for later refund. The operation at the airport went
smoothly enough, I was told refund would arrive in about 6 weeks. At
about 10 weeks I realized it hadn't, by then the paper & my energies
were too scattered to pursue the matter. About $17 total.

So England owes me. I'm making it up by saving uncancelled stamps on
letters from that country. So far I have about 40 cents worth.

