RE: New Epson printer

Peter Marshall (
Sun, 8 Jun 97 20:59 BST-1

In-Reply-To: <>

> (from Luis)
> >You will notice that words like "permanent", "long lasting" and
> "preserve
> >your memories with our prints" are absent from their literature. In
> fact, I
> >wonder if paper negs made from such a printer would last long enough to
> >make a run of say, 20 platinum prints under a hot UV source.
> In fact, I wonder if paper negs made from such a printer would last long
> enough to
> a ray of sun. ;-)
> For the "Nederland Naarden Fotofestival" under our pale sun of May, 12
> of our students made wax-prints (jet technology). One was hanging
> outside as a poster (130x180cm). After two weeks this plastic laminated
> wax print was seriously fading.
> For the same exhibition I printed a couple of invitations with my HP
> inkjet on watercolor paper. It looks great. One of those invitations
> stayed 3 weeks in my car (sur la planche à chapeaux). The same thing
> happened.
> philippe

Of course this need not necessarily rule out the use of these printers.

Would a UV protecting spray on the prints help?

Do they keep satisfactorily in the dark?

However it might be worth asking Epson. If enough people did they might think
about it in their ink formulations.

Peter Marshall

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