
Chris Fox (
Tue, 03 Jun 1997 15:40:00 +0100

(if you've read enough on this, please ignore this paragraph...)
The he/she/it and his/her/its forms are a problem in my job - writing English
dictionaries (for foreign students). We've gone for using the 'they/their/them'
form for UK dictionaries, whilst for US dictionaries we're still using 'he, she,
or it', 'him, her, or it' etc, which can make for rather long and elaborate
definitions, but is seen as more correct.

Someone told me that they'd heard that Cyanotypes and Van Dyck (is this how you
spell it?!)prints were less permanent than other types of Alternative Processes.
Is this true? Is there a kind of league table of permanence? How do the various
alternative processes compare with selenium toned silver gelatin fibre-based

- Chris Fox