Re: ..../permanence

Cor Breukel (
Tue, 03 Jun 1997 17:08:36 +0200 (MET DST)

On Tue, 3 Jun 1997, Chris Fox wrote:

> Someone told me that they'd heard that Cyanotypes and Van Dyck (is this how you
> spell it?!)

..guess it should be "van Dijk", since it's an originally a dutch

prints were less permanent than other types of Alternative
> Is this true? Is there a kind of league table of permanence? How do the various
> alternative processes compare with selenium toned silver gelatin fibre-based
> prints?

..I read somewhere that a cyanotype image is more stable than the paper
were it's sitting on.. VDB is reported to be less stable..but again these
"quotes" from my memory, could be totally wrong on that. From my own VDB's
and cyanotypes I can only tell you that the oldest one is still stable
..(taht is : 6 months old...:-)...

Cor Breukel
"The Infrared Gallery"